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Showing posts from April, 2009

UIA 09 in brief

not many pics this year~ well, anyway. it was fun running around looking for rooms in KAED, (not to mention looking for the toilets with Sharon!) i was surprised at how Nafis, Izzat and i make quite a strong team, and I felt that our arguments improved compared to last year, more solid. however in terms of rebuttals and elaboration, we still had problems with one-liners and not exactly explaining it effectively. due to that, there was late development in the points and the rebuttals did not do much damage to the opponent's case. let it be a lesson. those were some of the things that the team could work on and i do hope despite being busy with the mid-years, we could still have debate practice to further improve our argumentation. it was a learning experience. not my best year. I did better last year, more aggressive. all of a sudden, I lost my touch (doesn't that always happen to me?) the judges really like izzat, our second speaker, because of his substance and yeah, he did ...


Meniti zaman pemodenan umat aku menongkah arus norma masyarakat Yang disebut bertamadun itu diertikan dengan kesucian ternoda pengorbanan insan demi pembangunan Yang disebut kebebasan itu diertikan dengan penindasan secara implisit oleh kerakusan kuasa besar Yang disebut keamanan itu diertikan dengan mulut yang bisu, terdiam oleh kedahsyatan autoriti kuku besi Yang disebut halal itu haram Yang disebut haram itu halal Halusinasi hedonisme trend-trend mengkhayalkan menganggugugah dirian Iman mencantas rasional pemikiran TETAPI aku menongkah arus bukan kerana ingin mundur aku menongkah arus kerana mataku celik sedangkan mereka semua masih tidur macam puisi reformasi pulak, but the real reason behind this puisi was basically diilhamkan from the drama 'Kerusi' in Antologi Kerusi. well, from now on, I have to be careful with what I post in my blog. period.