Language has become a popular issue lately, especially regarding PPSMI. To me, I'd prefer PPSMI to be maintained, because in this fast-paced globalisation era, it is important to master the latest development in science as soon as possible. If one is not well-verse in English, then they will not be able to understand, let alone master new skills as soon as possible because most of the materials are available in English. Translating takes time, but time and tide waits for no man, especially in this world today. Sometimes the knowledge we learn today might be obsolete tomorrow due to fast developments made in other more developed countries, and we need to catch up to that, if not, we will be left behind. Yet again, the question of the indigenous people's mastery in English that becomes a hindrance to their acquisition of knowledge pops up alongside the question of the deteriorating appreciation for the Malay language that has become our identity for so long. I disagree that PPSMI...