My status: According to Amina Wadud, "To claim full or perfect knowledge of God's will is to challenge the singularity and uniqueness of the Divine perfection." So, sapa claim, "ahh! aku dah belajar agama cara betul macam amalan Rasulullah" and "kau bersubahat dalam maksiat, nanti ramai berdosa ikut engkau" isan illustration of that statement. Syrol Akmal Shaharom Like the status but 'unlike' amina wadud... Kamilah Kamil kenapa unlike dia? Syrol Akmal Shaharom to 'conservative' in Islamic way, know that you cannot force human reasoning to completely comprehend the divine, it is divine for that reason. Amina Wadud is known for her conservative and literalistic point of view. She tried to find equality defying sunnah once, Kamilah Kamil okay, you can help me out in this, my ISU is about Amina Wadud. What else do you think of her? Muhammad Shahrul Izwan amina wadud nie bkan yg jdi imam solat jumaat kat new york ke...