okay, I sound like a damn racist in the previous post, well, I wasn't that cheerful anyway. Suddenly, after the public speaking competition, my worst holiday yet seemed to turn around for the better, if you can overlook the fact that I'd be going back to face the first term exam, but suddenly, I can just go out there and say that..I'm okay.
I'm going back today =( My class is seemingly doing a drama on inter-species romance. An alien princess with a homo sapien teenager. It's gonna be fun. The props are gonna be out-of-this-world and maybe, kind of complex to make, but all the same, marvelous if we can pull it off. For the setting, we might be doing a space backdrop. Costumes, perhaps a blend of futuristic, contemporary and medievel and a little touch of Goth as it will be in a modern-day Halloween setting. We haven't discussed the storyline yet, but it's going to be a fusion of comedy, action and the lot.. Inspirations come from an array of popular sci-fi characters from Star Wars, Star Trek and a Malay short story Anyss Sophillea. I just can't wait.