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Review, Review, Review

Okay, it has been a while since I wrote reviews. it is rare that you find me in good moods nowadays. Well, for this year, I've read a few books. after a few years back of missing out in reading, I make a vow that I'll read a minimum of ten novels per year, considering the little amount of time I have left. No, I don't mean reading little teeny-tiny books. I'm talking about 200 hundred pages ++ with size-12 font, and that doesn't include magazines. And to get me on the reading habit, I started borrowing books from Syakir, thank God, bless him. The first book I borrowed is Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist. The description's real good. It's the most religious book I've ever read all my life, okay, not exactly religious, but very heavy with insight and philosophy, which I know, Syakir adores so much. The next one is The Mystery Of The Dog In The Night Time. I forgot who wrote it, but it was interesting because the narrator was a spastic child. A bit heavy to get through, but I can't really say that, because maybe I wasn't 'feeling it' when I read it, because I was in such a hurry to finish it, as I read it at school. The third novel i've read is Stephen King's Christine. It wasn't as sexually implicit to his other books, but it still had very graphic description of women's bosoms. if you overlook the language, the plot is actually kind of good, and yet, the most satisfactory ending i've ever read in 3 years, not that I read, but well, the fifth installment of Artemis Fowl and the HP finale disappointed me, didn't it. Ok, talking about HP, I am just so damn frustrated that I still haven't watch the fifth installment yet, no, it's not due to the lure of HP's kissing scene, i've never missed the HP movies, ever! and I'm putting high hopes that it's better than the book. I can congratulate the fourth movie by proving itself better than the book, or maybe it's simply because I'm tired of Harry and Hermione, but I'm starting to like Ron from the books. Ok, so it's back to school for me tomorrow. Man, doesn't it feel good to vent in here!


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