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wanna play?

The Rules:

1) Each Blogger must post these rules first
2)Answer the questions below and list down 3 people you tag.
3)Don't forget to leave a comment telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.

1) Which do you prefer: Black or White?

2) What kind of a person do you think you are?
Syakir says I'm a whore, but I think it's the other way around..hmm..
personally I think I'm a loudmouth bitch that always gets herself into sticky situations and at times i think I'm as good as gold.. *wink,wink*

3) Blue or Red?

4) What's your mood right now?
hot as hell

5) List down 5 things you did yesterday
Handle vomit-stained clothes
waited at the side of the road *yawn*
Sleep in the car
ate Nasi Ayam Haiqal-damn good chow, if ya ask me
Drank warm lychee drink. basically like wat ma sis did

6) List two of your best friends
no human names in particular
I do have a name in mind, but lets keep it at that, shall we?

7) What kind of a guy do you prefer?

8) Do you like your dad or your mom? favouritism please, its not fair to forsake one and favor the other
it leads to cronism, like what our good government is practising now

9) What is your favorite color?

10) Which would you prefer: Japan or Singapore?

11) List down 3 things on your mind

12) Who are you chatting with on MSN?
a grim reaper

13) What are you doing?
I'm doing this stupid quiz, like, d-uh!

14) What do you know?
it depends on what kind of stuff that I know.

15) What's friendship?
hurm, in certain cases, mellow
in other cases, hurm..ntahlah

Who do you tag?


CXXVII said…
conducting survey on blog? Creative way to post something. Slalu asyik jumpe kat buletin in friendster.

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