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Hot and Cold

"You're hot and you're cold
you're yes then you're no
you're in then you're out
you're up then you're down"

-Hot n' Cold, Katy Perry-

Ever get that feeling when you're coming down with fever?
Your head feels red-hot like a branding iron, but your feet are literally popsickles by then.

this is my hundredth post anniversary, and I don't really have an idea what to blog about.
Tomorrow's the last day of school before I go back, aww, mann...

Right now, I'm so totally infected with youtube addiction..aiyya
Currently listening in to Katy Perry

This is what happens when you do homework in front of the computer

The first 5 minutes: "look, Ma. I'm doin' my homework."

The next minute: clattering away on the what i'm doing now. This picture was taken at exactly 10 minutes befor I am here in this seat, right at this very moment.

Then, Mama would come and say, "I told you so"



aRiFF hAFIZi said…
whoA.. lookin' u finishin' up da hmwrk.. rminds me dat I HAVEN'T do MY NOTES!! even A BIT of it.. ARHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
aRiFF hAFIZi said…
I bet wut u'r doin' is mod-math... aaarhhhhhhhhhhh, really mad wif my tc.. imagine 2-3 chapter in a month!!
giler.. klaz ak x phm satu pn amende dye ajar... klaz laen bru openin' statistic.. kitorg dh khatam dh oii buku teks mod-mad... tpi, x phm pn.. we finish everyhin' if i'm not mistaken 2 months ago.. i bet her 1st plan is finish everythin' b4 mid-yr but den x smpt.. so lanjutkn satu bln gi.. hahahaha.... my head is dh start pusing2...
Anonymous said…
ni lah turbo...
depan pc pun boleh buat homework..
frxnk said…
haha! makcik,tengok tu! anak makcik is not doing her homework! she's on the PC! PIAPP!" hehe~
Anonymous said…
yeah,da same thing goes to many of us..
wat can i say from ur work is..
it was forgiven kot..

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