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Random Whims

Another post yet again for today, what has gotten into me??
here are some of the things I have to do this holiday, as a mental note to self:
1. Homework.
>Maths (ACE Analysis workbook)
>Add Maths handout
>Physics handout (2)
>Arab handout

erm..what else?
2. study for my Arabic language exam next year (lambat siot!)
3. organize my files

4. Redaksi works
>write preface for Syeme and the principal
>look for pictures of the people featured in the preface
>ask the alumni president to write the preface
>type a report
>design layouts and SEMASA cver 2008

5. St. John Camp 10th to 16th Dec

erm..what else?
I'll update later when I remember.

* * * * *

yes,yes,yes, I'll admit that I've really caught on the AAC bug! I'm freakishly playing the song again and again on my player! God.

But lets make it a new resolution, though it may not be a new year yet. No, I'm not going to recap this year's highlights yet, it's still too early, but anyways, I do believe in the continuous renewal of resolutions.

Okay, I have resolved to:
1. increase my weight to 45 kg, insyaAllah, but all this while, I have yet to reach 40kg.
2. find a way to control my emotions and manage my anger, find a more effective way to channel my 'surge' .
3. get better results, this year's results suck!
4. be more organized, so that i can get my life back in control a better Muslimah

sekian, for now.


aRiFF hAFIZi said…

-Ariff, graphic editor MURNI; SMSD official mag.-
aRiFF hAFIZi said…
if SEMASA 2006's cover based on black n arabic style..
SEMASA 2007's is yellow.. n high-tech based..

what's up with dis year??
aRiFF hAFIZi said…
cian arabic student, kne studi gi.. hahaha.. januari kn exam korg?? pepun gud lark!!
Nur Nafis said…
Thanks for putting this "what-to-do" list. :)
Very useful, lebih kurang jer but of course, mine not as much as yours. Hehe.

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