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Tagged by Keri n k.Yana

Post these instructions:
* Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.
* DON'T change your clothes. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture.
* Post that picture with NO editing.
* Post this instruction with your picture.
* Tag 10 people to do this.

OMG..!! my room is a mess!! okay, I admit I cheated, I had to 'change my clothes', erm, does covering up count? I put on a tudung for decency's sake, haha. Oh well, I don't really know who to tag...

1. Amirul Mukmin
2. Ahmad Muhaimin
3. Ariff Hafizi
4. ainin sofia
5. syafirie
6. fatma Nadia
7. frankie
8. Hidayat
9. Afiqah Mustafa
10. Ainul Mardhiah


aRiFF hAFIZi said…
kemas laa bilik tu.. looks soo messy...

p/s: one thing we hv in common; malas nk kemas bilik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u should c my locker back in smsd.. u gonna b soooooo surprise!!! hahahahahaha!!! mls gler...
aRiFF hAFIZi said…
me, tagged??!!
eQbAlFaIz said…
i link ur blog.
Al - Amin said…
kam... i dah ambik gambo tu,direct pas bace ur x leh nk post lep.can't insert foto but y video blh plak..juz tgk kt fenste i je lep ek..
hb said…
Ha ha, afwan, sbnrnya saya pun pendebat bhs Inggeris jugak.. tapi malam tu sesaje je kami anjurkan debat isu krisis tu.. sekadar sbg pendedahan kpd semua, sbb kalau nak dibuat dalam bhs Inggeris, rasanya susah pulak semua pelajar nak faham nanti..

Allahu yubarik 'alaik aidhan!!
hb said…
Thanks, it is a pleasure to know you too. Actually the one who imtroduced your blog to me was Ariff Hafizi... and he tagged me.. Ha ha..
Anonymous said…
aper nip??

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