There's a lot of things on my wish list, actually, but here are some items on that list. I can foretell that at the least, I might be able to get them after SPM.
The Boys Who Saved The World by Sam Mills, it had a good review, I might as well check it out. I bet it serves up a lot of analogies of political- religious issues, the zeitgeist of the so-called modern and sophisticated era that we live in today.
Kak Ainul made a good review on it. The synopsis itself is very intriguing indeed. Surely must read more.The synopsis sounds juicy, as it provides a twist to the conventional Wizard of Oz story. My sinister inner child-cum-imp is hell bent on getting her hands on this one.
And yeah, pray that I do well for my trials and the real SPM. 12 A1s, including that Cambridge English assessment. Oh, just so you know, I'm not doing any more tags in the future, mind you.