Today was my first practical driving lesson. I did fine at first, but as time pass, I got worse. My God, I can't do the corners and sterring control was very difficult and I hate the clutch. I kept hitting the curb and stalling the engine. I just wonder if I could ever drive...
This is an old issue, I know. What has brought my attention to the topic of women rights was when I watched one of the episodes of Commander In Chief on Hallmark. In that series, the president of the United States was supposedly a woman. Interesting, and she plans to take the stand for women rights to the next level despite the controversies arousing her brave statement. The debate was whether or not it was relevant to debate on an old issue, in respect of the state of today's society. Women of today have a better status than they did way back in the days of history old. Women emancipation has been heatedly debated especially in the West throughout the time, and perhaps, the most memorable one was of the Suffragettes, fighting for the right of women to vote. Some places in Africa, in history, do not even recognize rape of women, as a crime, however, all of that has changed, thankfully. The question now is, are women actually 'emancipated' as we are all made to belief? well,...
sume org cm2...
sme ngn debat... mula2 msuk msti bdebar... tggap.. takde idea n etc... tpi lama-kelamaan sume ny akan jdi oke...
sabar je oke...
good luck!