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Alright, still ?

Hi everyone!

What a perky way to start, very unusual of me, and as if I actually have a big audience reading this blog.

Oh well, I guess, I am..alright        still     ?

Works are piling up, I have quizzes/tests/assignments due almost on a weekly basis, and at the same time, I have to keep up with the daily syllabus. I was just trying to put my finger on Quantum Chemistry. Some people have it easy because in their brief time at Uni, they already learnt a bit. Today I have to finish Advanced Functions poster, Chemistry and Essay research on Social Evils (I hate this, but I have to do it, so yeah). Computer Science just started to get serious recently, and I have to be very detailed especially because the program is case-sensitive, and the spacing as well, I have to take note of that. I might need to get a new portable information storage device soon.

Then, there's the community service to think about.

There are many options. Most of these people just want to wait for second semester to do it, or their Mentors to get them hopping to it, most of the time just going to Zoo Negara. I've been to a few community service meetings, there's lots to choose from. The Burmese Refugee School thing, they want people for fund-raising, media write-ups, workshop facilitator volunteers and website designers. They're doing the fund-raising and workshops on weekends, throughout August to November.

Then, there's the Somalian Refugee Education Centre thing, another meeting due Tuesday next week if I'm interested. Basically they're having a one-day training to teach English and Maths according to the syllabus of the Education Centre. They go three times a week there, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Friday, but participants have to commit themselves going there once a week on either days for four consecutive months. It takes one hour to get to the Education Centre, which is in Gombak, by the way, then teach for one-and-a-half hour or two hours or so, and then another hour back. Probably between 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm. After completing this, you also get a letter from UN, acknowledging your participation. Sounds good, interesting, I didn't even know KL has these, but yeah, pretty heavy on the commitment thing, so I have to think about it.

I went for singing audition yesterday, they're going to have callbacks next week. I was thinking of signing up for Promotion Crew or something. The show will be in October.

My friend from KISAS also offered me a job as a facilitator for English In Camp which will be organized in KISAS from 6th to 8th August. I have a test on the 6th, but at least, if I could make it, I wouldn't have to worry about Community Service anymore. Well, I'm waiting for him to send the schedule.

And of course, since I'm part of PKTR, there might be something that I can involve myself in for community service.

Or, I could participate in any Charity Program-related clubs and participate in their activities.

See? I have so many options to consider, and most of them sounds interesting, (needs a lot of time and commitment. Not that I'm not passionate about these things, I do enjoy them, I really do, but the worry of work and studies, it bogs me down, like in school. I guess, I am destined to have this insanely busy life. Always rushing here and there and finally when I shut down, I really shut down. haha) and I need to do a lot of thinking to decide what to do, and time management and organization to put things in order, apart from getting my work done.

Okay, signing off for now.

Till next time.


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