we made two, one round one and one square one. This is the end product:
It was her idea to make the lasagne, but we all chiped in to get it done. This was before it was cooked. Cheese wonderland:
Yesterday, I went to MPH to spend my 300-worth vouchers. It turned out that my enthusiasm just died beca
use not many of the titles actually made my mouth water, so I let my sis do her choosing. She chose a Stephen King 'Just After Sunset' and Jodi Picoult's 'Handle With Care.' Stephen King's was mildly crude in language, whereas Jodi Picoult's was a tad bit, well, I can't find the adjective for it, but all the same brilliant.
Seriously, I knew what was coming, it was the same 'My Sister's Keeper' formula with the medical lawsuit and family crisis, but I can't bring myself steady to face such compelling story-telling, and it left me feeling blown-away? Now that's exaggerating, but it was. I spent the whole day today just reading that book, and now have a headache for lying in bed all day.
On the night of first Ramadan, we went to Sushi King:
this is the total of dishes of sushi that both my Papa and I ate:
this was all taken with my new Lumix =)
keep it up!